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Check out Dr. Binkley’s new Podcast: SAFE, EFFECTIVE, NATURAL SOLUTIONS for almost any health challenge

Listen live every Friday at 4:00 p.m. on KDAR 98.3 FM

Good natural sweeteners to reduce risk of dementia, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Why many people should not take cholesterol lowering statin drugs.

58 year-old stroke victim with significant loss of arm and leg function makes complete recovery. Benefits and good tasting brands of natural sweeteners - liquid Stevia and Allulose syrup.

More on Dementia, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease - inextricably linked. You can’t have one without the other.

CASE STUDY: 67-year-old man with loss of memory, focus, concentration, and brain fog. Things anyone can do to improve brain health: managing stress levels with techniques like meditation and deep breathing or biofeedback. Making sure you’re

Dementia, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease - inextricably linked. You can’t have one without the other.

Fish oil reduces risk of dementia. New Alzheimer’s blood test more accurate than most primary care doctors and neurologists diagnoses...

Gut Microbiome continued.

Gut microbes can affect your nervous system through the gut-brain axis — the network of nerves, neurons and neurotransmitters that runs through your GI tract. Certain bacteria actually produce or stimulate the production of..

What Does Your Gut Microbiome Do? CASE STUDY: 48 year-old man with Ulcerative colitis

Bacteria in your gut help break down certain complex carbohydrates and dietary fibers that you can’t break down on your own. They produce short-chain fatty acids — an important nutrient — as byproducts. They also provide the enzymes necessary to synthesize certain vitamins, including B1, B9, B12 and K. Beneficial microbes in your gut help to train your..

HORMONES: Focus on Cortisol - the stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands.

Who should test adrenal function with a saliva cortisol test? Cortisol receptors are present and almost every tissue in the body and affect nearly every organ system. Cortisol affects your nervous system your immune system, your cardiovascular

HORMONES: Focus on Testosterone - benefits and symptoms of deficiency in men and women. DHEA - potentially safe, effective support for low testosterone and or estrogen.

SYMPTOMS of low testosterone in WOMEN - muscle wasting, weight gain, fatigue, low self-esteem, decreased good cholesterol, dry thin skin, dry thinning hair, droopy eyelids, sagging cheeks, thin lips. Anxiety, poor memory. CAUSES of low..

HORMONES: Focus on Progesterone - benefits, symptoms of insufficiency. Safe support.

Side effects of carcinogenic synthetic progestins in traditional hormone replacement therapy vs natural progesterone produced by your body, and available in safe, plant-based transdermal sources. The importance of estrogen-progesterone...

HORMONES: Benefits of adequate estrogen. Safe hormone support, even for breast cancer survivors. 

Comprehensive Saliva Hormone Test. Four sample collection to measure normal adrenal cortisol curve plus average levels of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and precursor DHEA. Case Study: 76 year old breast cancer survivor whose cancer...

HORMONES: Most women not receiving proper care for menopausal symptoms, according to the medical director for the Menopause Society and the Mayo Clinic Center for Women’s Health.

In 2002 Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study showed that traditional synthetic hormone replacement therapy increased risk of cancer and heart disease., “After that, clinicians decided they no longer needed to worry about being educated...

Two-thirds of people prescribed cholesterol lowering statin drugs don’t need them. U.S. Preventative Services Task Force review of 12 studies of statins showed no significant reduction in cardiovascular deaths.

British Medical Journal denounces secrecy surrounding data used for current standards recommending widespread use of statin drugs.

Why don’t all doctors check for toxic heavy metals? SOURCES of exposure and common effects of exposure to lead, mercury, arsenic, uranium.

Fruit juice New report finds heavy metals like arsenic and lead in 45 packaged fruit juices - CBS News Construction materials Chemical fertilizers and pesticides Munitions at military bases Factories that manufacture chemicals or

HEAVY METALS - How much have you been exposed to? How effective is your body at excreting them? Are you getting sufficient nutrients to flush out everything you’ve been exposed to?

Sources of exposure to lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium and uranium. Chlorella - and excellent nutrient that helps flush out heavy metals, and is also a superfood full of minerals and protein. CASE STUDY - 35-year-old man with debilitating dizziness, nausea, and neck pain. After five visits to the emergency room and numerous doctor’s visits, no one could help

Heavy metal toxicities - how to identify and eliminate them. Case study; 55 year old with severe rashes on his hands arms and back

HEAVY METAL TOXICITY affects: BRAIN - depression, anxiety, ADHD, cognitive impairment, dementia, brain fog, dizziness AUTOIMMUNE Disorders - MS, RA, Hashimoto’s, Lupus, Psoriasis, IBS, UC, Crohn’s, OBESITY FATIGUE Fish oil to reduce risk of heart disease and stroke. This show aired Friday, June 7 on KDAR 98.3 FM.

Emulsifiers in Ultra-Processed Foods associated with increased risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and death.

Good sources of medical research which may be useful for improving your health; Medscape. MedPage Today. Not WebMD, which is mostly direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical marketing. Emulsifiers added to improve texture and shelf life of ultra processed foods disrupt the healthy Microbiome in your gut leading to dysbiosis and inflammation, which increase

Why don’t all doctors practice Functional Medicine? Common Household Chemicals Tied to Brain Cell Damage

Protect your brain cells with omega 3’s from high-quality fish oil. Research the toxicity products you use at the Environmental Working Group site: Are you getting enough vitamin D? How do you know if you’re getting enough

HEALTH Insurance vs. MEDICAL Insurance. Intermittent fasting—Is it safe? Healthy? The RIVER of LIFE.

Niacin and heart disease Belly fat increases risk of Alzheimer’s. Why it makes no sense to eat your biggest meal right before going to bed. The RIVER of LIFE. Construction crews in charge of routine maintenance and repair of every organ..

Heart disease prevention. The best tests for identifying ways to reduce risk of heart attacks and strokes.

The medical decisions made by most doctors are governed by corporate boards of directors, at the expense of patients health. Doctors Data Cardiometabolic Profile - one of the best ways to effectively evaluate your risk.

NEUROPATHY in the UPPER EXTREMITIES - Neck, shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, hands and fingers.

Pressure on nerves in the neck, from disc herniation, or simply patterns of tension in muscles. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Rotator cuff injuries. Tennis elbow. Carpal tunnel syndrome. This show aired Friday, May 3 on KDAR 98.3 FM.

Neuropathy: Post-surgical nerve “damage“ healed with Non-force Chiropractic. Common causes and symptoms of the vitamin deficiencies.

Exciting case: A 50-year-old man who fell off a 57-foot cliff, crushed a vertebra and broke nine other bones, had excruciating pain in his foot after back surgery, which was relieved in three sessions. Exciting case: A 65-year-old woman..

Neuropathy - damage to nerves from Diabetes, Liver Disease, Nutrient Deficiencies. Pressure on nerves from sciatica, plantar fasciitis.

Disc herniations and piriformis muscle contracture are the most common physical pressures that cause neuropathy (pain, burning, numbness, tingling) and thigh, leg, feet, and toes. Dramatic Case: Teenaged cheerleader with severe piriformis spasm, that was undiagnosed after a year of doctor’s visits and physical therapy.

Supplements for reducing risk and symptoms of Dementia and Cardiovascular Disease. Polyphenols. Resveratrol.

The importance of strengthening the Endothelial Glycocaylx. Biofactors, 2018: The polyphenol resveratrol has neuroprotective antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-amyloid effects. HiPhenolic, from Orthomolecular Products—

Reversing Alzheimer’s - The Bredesen Protocol. Test P-tau proteins for early signs of damage.

Dale Bredesen, MD and several his colleagues around the country have been reversing dementia for over ten years. Case studies of 100 of their patients were published in the journal of Alzheimer’s and Parkinsonism in 2018. Their proof of concept..

Alzheimer’s: Why drugs don’t work and probably never will. Protect your brain with CoQ10, Nattokinase, Vitamins D and K2

Why it’s important to find a doctor who will listen to you and spend the time necessary to identify what you need to protect your brain cells. Carotid artery ultrasound: a great noninvasive inexpensive test to measure your risk of stoke and loss of good circulation to the brain. Key nutrients: Nattokinase, vitamin K2, Olive Leaf Extract.

Alzheimer’s: Maintain connections between remaining brain cells. Stay hydrated. Key nutrients.

Challenge your brain by doing things that make you ‘think on your feet’. Most people need 3-4 quarts of water a day. Senolytic Synergy - excellent product for reducing symptoms of dementia. Identify vitamin B12 deficiency with a Complete..

Alzheimer’s, how to prevent all forms of dementia. How to identify your risk factors before it’s too late. Cardiovascular health is brain health.

Early identification of risk factors. Prevention of damage to the brain, preservation of brain tissue and circulation is key. Most people wait till they have symptoms of memory loss, confusion, some form of cognitive impairment. Get the APOE gene.

OsteoArthritis vs Osteoporosis, how to reduce and reverse the pain without drugs or surgery.

What causes the ‘normal arthritis of aging’? Is it normal? Inevitable? Patterns of tension in muscles that destroy joint tissue. The benefits of systemic enzymes like Nattokinase and Serrapeptase. This show aired on Friday March 8th, on KDAR 98.3

Osteoporosis: How reduce and reverse it with better food, exercise and essential nutrients.

What is the difference between Osteoporosis and OsteoArthritis? Are drugs like Fosamax and Boniva safe? Do they make your bones stronger? What commonly deficient nutrients are essential for maintaining strong bones?

Heart Disease Prevention: Keep the Pipes Clear, Keep the Pressure Low, Keep the Pump Strong.

Keep the Pressure Low by doing whatever exercise is easiest and most enjoyable for you. Reduce stress with meditation. Clear clutter. Resolve festering emotions with others. The power of forgiveness.

Heart Disease Prevention. Keep the Pressure Low.

Why are we letting insurers dictate patient care? Prior authorization is wreaking havoc on patient health — Barbara Jung, MD, is the president of the American Gastroenterological Association. Deborah Dyett Desir, MD, is president of the American College of Rheumatology.

Cholesterol does not cause heart disease. Inflammation causes heart disease. How to reduce inflammation and prevent our disease.

Three simple things to remember to reduce risk of heart disease and reverse it.. Keep the pipes clear. Keep the pressure low. Keep the pump strong. This episode focuses on ways to keep the pipes clear, by preventing plaque formation.

Heart disease and how to prevent it. The difference between drugs and supplements.

Drugs alter biochemical pathways and cell receptors, which enables them to work very quickly, but also makes them inherently toxic. Normal control mechanisms are overridden. Supplements are nutrients which our bodies recognize as essential for life. Normal control mechanisms remain intact, so they are nontoxic—if you take too much, you’ll simply flush them out.

Functional Medicine vs Conventional Medicine. Important tests most doctors routinely skip and why they’re important.

Case Study: 50 year-old woman lost 70 lbs. on well-known diet plan, but was really sick with fatigue, anemia, sores that wouldn’t heal, sleep difficulties. Case study: 37 year-old hair dresser exposed to toxins in Mexico City with a long list of symptoms, Both felt tremendous just a few weeks later. This show aired Friday January 26th on KDAR 98.3 FM.

Why we are programmed to store starch as fat. High blood sugar and the Microbiome.

How to reduce your risk of rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, many cancers, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, anxiety and depression with one simple change in your diet. This show aired Friday January 19th on KDAR 98.3 FM

Diabetes, how to reverse it in four months.

What causes insulin resistance? Why current treatment for most diabetics is failing. The best single test to identify your risk early. This show aired Friday January 12, on 98.3 FM.

Live long, live well. Early detection of disease is not prevention of disease.

If you “feel like you’re getting old,” this is most likely not the result of another few years passing, but rather the result of failing to take good care of yourself. If your body was a used car, what would the bluebook value on it be? How many miles..

How patterns of tension on the spinal cord are identified and released with non-force chiropractic.

How to help people with failed surgery for disc herniations, rotator cuff, carpal tunnel, torn meniscus and plantar fasciitis—who still have pain, but cannot tolerate forceful treatments.Signals sent from the spine, and from short/tight muscles and..

What is non-force chiropractic? How does it work? Severe cervical (neck) disc herniation relieved without surgery.

Most physical pain—in the head, neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, back, hips, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, and feet—is caused by patterns of tension in muscles and joints, and hypersensitive nerve endings throughout the body that have persisted over time: months, years, even decades before you first feel the pain.Heal herniated discs by releasing tension..

How sugar causes depression, anxiety, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, autoimmune and a host of..

Excessive sugar consumption is an addiction, disrupting the same pathways in your brain, the same neurotransmitters and hormones altered by addiction to heroin and cocaine. It causes insulin resistance which causes you to crave more sugar.

Why most doctors don’t practice Functional Medicine. Healthy sweeteners. Dangerous supplements.

Most doctors are employees of corporations with a board of directors that dictate what they can and cannot do—private equity firms, contract management groups, hospitals, ‘health’ (medical) systems, and ‘health’ (medical) insurance companies. The primary goal of these boards of directors is maximizing profits, at the expense of your health. I work for you...

Vitamin D: Why most people don’t get enough. The dangers of eating sugar. Useless RDAs.

Most adults need to supplement 5000 IU daily to maintain proper immune system function, reduce risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, many cancers and support the health of nearly every organ in your body. Why the RDAs of vitamins and...

Three supplements almost everyone should take. Lowering blood pressure without drugs.

Why most one-a-day multivitamins are nearly useless. Why nearly everyone should take a good (4 capsule) multi, for mineral deficiencies. Why most people should also supplement fish oil and vitamin D. The River of Life which must be kept well-stocked for your body to heal and repair itself.Case study: an 80 year-old woman drops blood pressure 30 points..

The Leaky Gut-brain Connection

How insufficient good bacteria and too much bad bacteria in your gut, and foreign debris that leaks into your blood stream have profound effects on mental health. Case reports: Releasing lingering effects from sexual abuse trauma..This show..

Drug-Free Mental Health Solutions

Highlights from the Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference.Renowned Psychiatrist Mary Beth Ackerley (Harvard, National Institute of Mental Heath, John Hopkins) declared: antidepressant medications like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Lexapro...

TOXINS - We’re all exposed. Which ones are currently impairing your health?

Comprehensive tests are available to identify your body burden of Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium, Uranium, Lead, Pesticides, Chemical fertilizers, Industrial chemicals, Mold toxins and others. These are usually hair or urine tests, not blood tests. If you...

Breast Cancer - Natural options complement conventional oncology

A case study of a 47 year-old woman with a rapidly growing mass that was completely eradicated without drugs or surgery. Another case study of a survivor of hormone-sensitive cancer in her 80s with fatigue and loss of libido since stopping.

Fatigue: Do you feel tired all the time, for no apparent reason?

MYTH: “It’s totally normal to not have all the energy I used to have. Everyone slows down as they get older.“ REALITY: Most fatigue, tiredness, and lack of energy is caused by a dozen little things that are undetected by standard medical practice.

What is Functional Medicine?

Do you feel tired all the time, for no apparent reason?Do you never wake feeling fully rested?Have you gained weight while eating the same food?Have you been to the doctor and been told that there’s nothing wrong with you—and yet you still feel

ask questions or send comments for the podcast

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The Community Organic Veggie Garden is Back at the BINKLEYHEALINGCENTER!

In 2015, Dr. Binkley started this project to demonstrate how an abundance of food can be grown in a very small space with minimal water.  It garnered a feature article in The Ventura Star, and a Green Business Award from the City of Ventura.

He just planted ninety-five new seedlings on May 9, 2023.

If you’re in the neighborhood, come check out the organic veggies growing right on Main Street.

When fully ripe, the food will be given away to patients, neighbors, and passersby. Now it looks more like this:

Meet Dr. Binkley

Doctor of Chiropractic

Practitioner of Functional Medicine

I was always a good student.  Many of my classmates were annoyed that I would frequently achieve relatively high test scores with seemingly minimal effort. It didn’t help that I frequently fell asleep in class.  I had a couple of great teachers early on who taught me how to really pay attention to a lecture, and take good notes.  But struggling to stay awake in the middle of afternoon classes eventually became a significant concern.  One that led me to seek the advice of the smartest, most caring man I knew at the time––my chiropractor, Ed Counselman, DC.  

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Non-force Chiropractic 

Release chronic patterns of tension––from poor posture, minor injuries and stress, forever. No snapping, no cracking, no popping.
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Questions are welcomed and encouraged!

Text or Email Dr. Binkley today:

805 218-3939 |

Functional Medicine

Find conditions other doctors miss. Comprehensive blood tests identify early deviations from health—as well as fully developed disease—which can often be reversed with better food, exercise and supplements.

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  • 80-Year Old Female Patient

    With the supplements I’m taking from Binkley Healing Center I’ve been loosing body fat, I have tons of energy and my mind is focusing better than ever!

  • Carol Bartlett

    "Before coming to Dr. Binkley, everything hurt, especially my back and legs,   standing and walking was difficult. After a month and a half I feel 60% improved since my first visit with Dr. B. I am able to walk and sleep better and am also able to go out dancing for the first time in over a year. My husband is very impressed with my improvements."

  • Vera Ulery

    "I came to Dr. Binkley for my lower back, in approximately 4 weeks I experienced significant relief. After 3 months on a wheat and sugar free diet, my long term intestinal and stomach problems almost completely cleared up. For the first time in many years I feel hopeful about my health and my ability to be independent. I always feel relaxed and energized after leaving Binkley Healing Center."

  • Irma Nevarez

    “I have been going to Dr. Binkley for my chiropractic care for 8 months, and I can now walk free of pain. No more hanging on to the furniture when I walk. Its wonderful! After each appointment I feel great. I now see him every 2 weeks for my regular adjustments. I have never had chiropractic treatment before, but I discovered it really works. Thank you Dr. Binkley!”

  • Harleigh Ostella

    “Dear Dr. Binkley…I want to thank you for saving my ability to dance. You may remember watching the DVD of me dancing west coast swing, how intensely I danced, and how important it was in my life. In the Spring of 2006, you trained me to do some specific stretches to counteract damage to my right knee. I say: “trained” not merely shown, because the extra time and skill you invested with me made it stick. There’s hardly a day that I don’t do those exercises.

    If I miss a session it clearly affects my dancing. Although the stretches you trained me to do only takes about 5 minutes, my life would be dramatically different without them. What more can I say? You made a real difference in my life.”

  • 72 Year Old Patient

    “You’re a miracle worker! I thought I was never going to be able to walk again without pain. Now my low back feels brand new and I can walk anywhere I want, anytime I feel like it. Thank you so much.”

  • Chronic Fatigue (49-Year Old Female Patient)

    “Since coming to Binkley Healing Center 11 months ago, I have experienced a dramatic improvement in my physical and emotional well-being. I have been to many different chiropractors over the years and have experienced many different techniques. Dr. Binkleys adjustments and stretches along with his expert nutritional health care is by far the most comprehensive and beneficial treatment I have ever received. I am looking forward to feeling even better and I continue my treatments!”

  • Mobility (82-Year Old Male Patient)

    “My mobility has improved remarkably with less aches and pains. General well-being, feeling and feeling of mobile extremities. Best description I can express is an all around feeling a better movement and less pain.”

  • Back Pain (53-Year Old Male Patient)

    “Drastically improved my back and rib very quickly. I love being able to sleep without back and rib pain!”

  • Lower Back Pain & Disc Hernia (26-Year Old Male Patient)

    I had intense pain when picking up my three-year-old son as well as twisting and turning my back. The majority of my free time consisted of skating and surfing, both of which were drastically affected by the pain. At a young age of 26, this kind of pain was a real concern. I had a fear for the need for epidural injections or possible surgery.

    I feel a lot better! I have gradually been able to return back to a healthy state. I am able to play with my son a lot more. I am able to do everyday activities with ease, and return to my physical activities. The impact chiropractic care has had on me is immense. I have come to better understand what and how my pain was caused. I now know what I can do in my daily routine in order to prevent injury and improve my condition. My body was injured for so long that I had forgotten how good it felt to be free of pain. Now I make a stronger effort to eat right, stretch frequently and maintain a healthy body.”

  • Intense Leg & Knee Pain (14-Year Old Female Patient)

    “My back hurt all the time. Most of the time the pain shot down my right leg into my knew. I was on anti-inflammatory medication and Tylenol with codeine. The pain was so bad that I could not sleep, sit in my desk at school, or spend time with my friends. My orthopedist took me out of my sports and activities.

    Within the first week of visiting Dr. Binkley, I was off all the medicines. My pain level had gone from 8 out of 10 to a 2 or 3. I am able to go to school all day, every day, and spend time with my friends. I’m slowly returning to sports. It has given me my life back. I was wondering if I was ever going to feel normal again.”

  • Knee Pain (60-Year Old Female Patient)

    “Severe pain on my right knee. I had been advised to have surgery. I had neck and lower back problems. I could not sleep, or dance. I could not run, or walk long distances without pain. I am very athletic, so this was a big problem and concern with me. I sleep a lot better. I can dance, I can walk long distances, and workout at the gym. I no longer need knee surgery. I am athletic again! The little aches and pains are gone. My overall energy and ability to do all movements are done with ease. Chiropractic gentle treatments dramatically improved all and everything about my lifestyle. The gentle manner and type of treatment has giving me the benefit of excellent health.”

  • Headaches (9-Year Old Female Patient)

    “Nichole suffered from daily headaches that disabled her. She would come home from school, darken her room, put an icepack on her head and cry softly. After dinner she would then have a stomachache until bedtime. Nichole also moved from children’s Tylenol to adult strength Tylenol for the headaches, she had also become extremely light sensitive. Going out into the sunshine would trigger an immediate headache for her.

    Within a week to beginning treatment, Nichole’s headaches, stomach-aches and light sensitivity disappeared. She has not had a stomach-ache or had a headache since. Although she continued to self adjust her neck, she does not do so with the same fervor at before when she was trying to eliminate the headache discomfort.”

  • Poor Posture (17-Year Old Female Patient)

    “My posture has improved dramatically, even writing teacher noticed! I also feel that my metabolism has become more healthy and the discomfort in my neck and back has decreased.”

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Our new patient forms are available online to print and complete before your first appointment.

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Healthy lifestyle and food concept.Sporty lifestyle. Workouts. Vegetables, fruits are near dumbbells.

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Binkley Healing Center

Main Office

961 East Main Street Ventura, CA 93001


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*(subject to change, daily, based on currently scheduled appointments, and the specific and varying needs of our patients)

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