veryone knows that water is essential for life. Most don’t know that when it comes to thirst, the body’s normal feedback mechanisms, can and very often do fail. You can be significantly dehydrated and still not be thirsty. A great way to increase your intake is to make your water taste better. Everyone has had water with lemon. Some have had water with cucumber. Relatively few have added a few drops of good liquid stevia extract* to make their water taste great. I say, try all three!
When you deprive your body of optimal hydration for long periods of time, it shifts into conservation mode. Until you convince it that abundant fluid will once again become reliable, your body will withhold water from your skin, hair, joints, lungs, even your brain and other vital organs. The only really essential functions are to keep your blood pressure up, and keep basic nutrients flowing to keep you alive.
Most people should drink about half their body weight in ounces, or two to three quarts (or liters) per day. When you force yourself to drink more than you have been, you will have to go to the bathroom more often. But only for a few weeks. Once your body readjusts to a steady supply, you will use more water for basic functions. More water will circulate through every cell in your body, including your brain, making you feel sharper and more focused. More water will moisten your mucous membranes, sinuses, and digestive tract. More water will be expelled every time you exhale. More water will evaporate through your well-hydrated skin. After a few weeks of increasing your water intake, you’ll no longer need to empty your bladder any more than before, because your body will once again be using more water, everyday; keeping you healthy and vibrant.
*The healthiest and best tasting stevia is Stevita brand liquid, from Brazil. It’s available at health food stores, and on NOTE: “Truvia” is not stevia:
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